Registration now open!
Our summer programs are on offer for K- 8th Grade from 9:00am until 2:30pm, Monday through Friday.
We also offer morning extended care from 8:30am - 9:00am for an early drop off, as well as 2:30pm - 5:30pm in the evening. Extended care is an additional fee.
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How to Register
Click the "Register" button below. You can also copy and paste this link into your browser:
If you don’t already have an account, you will be asked to create one and then you will be asked to create a profile for each child you are registering.
You will then go into the registration tab, select the appropriate rising grade (grade your child will be in Fall of 2025), and then select the weeks you would like to enroll in.
At this point, you will be asked to put in any coupon codes you are eligible for. If you are a Discovery member, member of the military, a STEM Accelerator or Mighty STEM student, you must email to obtain your coupon code.
Once you’ve put in all applicable codes, you will be asked to pay in full to register for your spot. You will then have access to your child’s profile where we ask that you fill out every section with as much detail as possible. Please note your spot is not reserved until we have received payment for tuition.
If you experience any issues with CampDoc, please contact CampDoc support for any technological issues with the software. They can be reached at or 734-619-8300.
If you have any questions regarding policies or programs, please email
Please be sure to make a note of your log in details and password for CampDoc